Khaleesi Niobium Project

Stage: Exploration

Khaleesi Niobium Project

Newly acquired on attractive, low-cash terms

966km2 over the Albany-Fraser Orogen in the Eastern Yilgarn region – favourable region for niobium-carbonatite intrusions under little to no cover.  

Fertile carbonatite complex

Along strike from highly-endowed Ponton Dyke, the Cundeelee carbonatite and the world-class Tropicana gold mine. 

Historical drill data from tier-1 gold and nickel exploration programmes shows broad anomalous niobium district including elevated niobium values exceeding 1,000ppm.   

Geophysics and geochemistry identified the presence of a large 20km diameter alkaline intrusive complex within the Project, with the same age profile as Mt Weld (Lynas) and Ponton Dyke.   – A breeding ground for carbonatites.

Exploration to be the geological focus of RareX whilst the Cummins Range project moves through engineering, offtake and approvals.


Desktop research indicates high discovery potential

Gold exploration drilling stumbled on Fenite alteration

  • 50 element assay suite but only interrogated for Au
  • Coincident Na-Nb-RE-Ba-Sr-P geochem (Sodic Fenite signature)
  • Fenite geochem in multi holes over 18km through regolith and granite basement rocks

“potentially a very large carbonatite near-by”

  • Even stronger Nb-RE anomalism on pending tenements

District hosts large and fertile carbonatites

  • Ponton Dyke, highest grade in Aus
  • Cundeelee, largest pipe in Aus